- Dynamics and Control of
Bipedal Robots (CDS
270-2), Caltech, third term
(taught in 2017).
- Nonlinear Dynamics (CDS
232), Caltech, second term.
- Nonlinear Control (CDS 233), Caltech, third term.
- Hybrid Systems: Dynamics and Control (CDS 242), Caltech, third term (not offered every year).

Past Classes Taught: (complete
- Nonlinear systems (ECE 6552), Georgia Tech, graduate level course.
- Capstone Design (ME 4182), Georgia Tech, Senor level undergraduate course .
- Engineering Laboratory (MEEN 404), Texas
A&M, Senior level undergraduate course.
- Dynamics and Vibrations (MEEN 363), Texas
A&M, Junior level undergraduate course.
- Design of Nonlinear Control Systems (MEEN
655), Texas A&M, Graduate course.
- Dynamic Systems and Controls (MEEN 364),
Texas A&M, Junior level undergraduate course.
- Introduction to Dynamics (CDS
140A), Caltech, Senior undergraduate first year graduate course.